

Born in Milan on the 3rd of April 1938, Dario Chiericallo is today recognized by art critics as one of the major Italian artists of the twentieth century.

From the start of his artistic journey, he has shown himself to be one of the most profound exponents of the hopes, desires and tremors of the generation who had only just put the Second World War behind them. It was these doubts, fears and fundamental changes in the Italian landscape that he was able to absorb and express with acute anticipation and sharp sensibility.

The Italian artistic revolution of the second half of the century saw him as an active protagonist and an original exponent, capable of taking these genuine and original fermentations, and universalising them in an unmistakable style, thereby overcoming some of the reference points of a dated age. Already by the early 60’s, he was exhibiting in the most prestigious galleries of Milan, alongside painters such as Carrà, Crippa, De Chirico, De Pisis, Balla and Fontana.

Part of his originality lied in his refusal to use any ‘prefabricated’ schema or “mannerism”. In particular, the deep introspection that accompanies the screaming suffering of his characters renders him, unanimously, the first painter capable of representing the complex problems of psychoanalysis.

So much so, that in his more unusual paintings, the mix of pain and intuition forms the connective fabric through which the observer sees his own direct and indirect experiences mirrored.

The artistic journey of Chiericallo seems to cross various ‘spiritual’ periods, distinct yet complimentary and always accompanied by the string reactions and criticism that any born artist inspires.

His high number of collectors and admirers bear witness to this. Today his paintings can be found in public and private collections all over the world, from Milan, Rome, Venice, Florence, London, New York, Los Angeles, Prague, Paris, Boston, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Montreal….

He is considered internationally as a reference point whose intense and passionate research was able to express indelibly human fragility and contradiction, desperate solitude. From his work magically pours a mix of reality, magic and tragedy that accompanies and conditions the daily life of every one of us.